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UK Governments compensation scheme for Mesothelioma cancer sufferers Official figures show that over £84 million has been awarded in compensation to sufferers of the asbestos related disease, Mesothelioma, and their families. This is due to a government scheme that was introduced in April 2014. The scheme is known as DMPS, Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme. Statistics […]
Read the full article | Published Mar 14, 2017
Protect your workers from Asbestos Construction workers being exposed to asbestos is a huge concern, as unlike gaining an injury on site, with asbestos, it takes many years for any physical symptoms of the illness to show. There are an increasing number of people being affected by asbestos exposure, with approximately 5000 cases of asbestos […]
Read the full article | Published Mar 07, 2017
In order to create winter scenes in many old Hollywood movies, film makers used pure white asbestos fibers to replicate the look of snow. Up until the late 1920’s, film makers were known to use various methods to try and create the illusion of snow. These methods included cotton batting, salt and flour. But cotton […]
Read the full article | Published Feb 21, 2017
Rochdale lady suffering from Mesothelioma after washing husbands clothes Vivienne Swain from Rochdale puts her diagnosis of Mesothelioma cancer down to having washed her husbands asbestos ridden clothes for years. Her husband, Michael, worked as a joiner for Manchester City Council in the 1970s. He died in his early forties from a brain disease. Vivienne, […]
Read the full article | Published Feb 08, 2017
Bury business owner jailed for exposing workers and public to asbestos Bury business owner jailed for exposing workers and public to asbestos……………..A judge at Manchester Magistrates Court has jailed Bury Business owner, David Briggs, of Briggs Demolition, for a total of 24 weeks (6 months) for exposing his workers and the general public to deadly asbestos. […]
Read the full article | Published Feb 07, 2017