Workers put at risk of asbestos exposure

Last Updated on 13th April 2022 by

Work carried out for North Devon Homes has put 2 workers from Pilkington Plumbing and Heating Ltd at risk of asbestos exposure when they began works carrying out boiler renovations without a full asbestos survey.

The employees were allowed to carry out back boiler removal and to drill a wall panel after the contractors began the work prior to them receiving an asbestos survey from North Devon Homes.

Under legislation premises built prior to the asbestos ban in 2000 those that are wanting to make any upgrades or renovations need to carry out an asbestos refurbishment or demolition survey.

The incident was inspected by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and led to the prosecution of North Devon Homes for health and safety failings.

Pilkington Plumbing and Heating Ltd had requested an asbestos survey for the properties but decided to go ahead anyway without carrying out an asbestos refurbishment/demolition or risk assessment survey to see if any work would potentially disturb any asbestos releasing harmful fibres.

The contractors used unspecific information from the North Devon Homes website which was incomplete and not relevant to each individual property.

This resulted in asbestos insulation board (AIB) being disturbed and staff being exposed to asbestos fibres from the fire surrounds and panels. It is very well known of the risks of asbestos and the damage inhalation can have on your health and needless to say the risk could have been avoided if the work was carried out in accordance with legislations.

Pilkington Heating and Plumbing Ltd pleaded guilty to 2 breaches of control of asbestos regulations and were fined £1500 and £642 in court costs. North Devon Homes pleased guilty to breach of construction regulations and were fined £1000 and ordered to pay £650 in court costs.

It is advised that all domestic properties built prior to 2000 and undergoing upgrades take part in an asbestos refurbishment/demolition survey to assess the risk of asbestos. Additionally It is of paramount importance that all tradespeople are trained in how to work suitable with asbestos safely.

Here at Armco we offer asbestos management and refurbishment or demolition surveys as well as extensive training in many areas of working with asbestos in Bury, Manchester and nationwide.

Visit out training website, we hold our training courses at our office in Bury, Manchester or at a location convenient for you. Visit our surveys website to find out more about how we could keep you safe. Alternatively call our office on 0161 763 3727 for any enquiries or to make a booking.


Published Jan 29, 2015